Friday, February 8, 2013


Are you celebrating a big birthday? Perhaps a sweet sixteen, a 21st for your daughter, the big 50, 90th or more? On these important dates, it's especially nice to say some warm words, something that will be cherished forever.
After all, these are important days for you and ones in which you can be the star. Whether you choose to celebrate in a small gathering at home or have a lavish affair, it's the words spoken to the birthday boy or girl that are important.
A fun way to accomplish this is with a personalized poem. Your poem needn't be too long, but it's nice to focus on the personal and emotional characteristics of the birthday boy. Perhaps he is a big outdoorsman, and loves to hike or perhaps he loves to cook and grows his own vegetables, the possibilities are endless.
Perhaps you have known him for many a year, even since childhood, and now he is turning 50. Wow, that's a lot of time spent together. I am sure you can remember fun times spent and it's nice to collect all of these stories and make up a poem to go along with it all.
If the birthday boy is your sibling, perhaps you can remember back to when you were kids, did you play at the beach all summer? Did you go to camp together? Did you get into fights? All of these fun stories will definitely be fodder for a marvelous birthday poem.
If the birthday boy has given you all sorts of sound advice over the years, then talk about it in your poem.
You can add a few lines towards looking towards the future and new adventures. The important thing is to make it personal, that will make it memorable.
AmyMiller, President
Poems To Go.TV

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